Laugh, Learn & Play Policies

The "Big 8" for Our Members

We are committed to delivering an outstanding experience for your child(ren) while you enjoy the amenities at The St. James. We promise to be attentive, caring and thoughtful in all that we do. In addition to our efforts we ask that all our members acknowledge, and abide by, the following rules:

  1. You may not leave The St. James complex while your child is in Laugh, Learn & Play
  2. Only a parent, or legal guardian listed on an account may pick a child up from Laugh, Learn & Play
  3. There is a three-hour daily maximum time limit for childcare in Laugh, Learn & Play
  4. Any contact from LLP staff will be directed to your cellphone, so please save our phone number in your contacts
  5. No food or drink is allowed in any area inside LLP including juice, only water is allowed
  6. We will contact you by phone if infant seems hungry, overly upset, or needs a diaper change
  7. Negative behavior will be addressed with the guardians per policy
  8. We may ask your child to be picked up or not dropped off per our sick child policy

Exclusion of Sick Children Policy

A child exhibiting any conditions or behaviors determined by The St. James to be an illness will be excluded from the space. If the child becomes sick while in LLP, the child must be isolated from the other children and the child's parent or guardian must remove the child immediately.

Parents, please understand that we strive to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all children; do not be offended if we ask you to remove your child due to health conditions. The following list includes, but is not limited to, a list of the conditions or behaviors that precludes a child from care in our space:

  • A child with a reportable illness or condition that a physician determines has not had enough treatment to reduce risk to others
  • A child with chicken pox until the child is no longer infectious and the lesions are crusted over
  • A child who has vomited within the last 24 hours
  • A child who has abnormally loose stools within the previous 24 hours
  • A child who has had contagious conjunctivitis (pink eye) or pus draining from the eye
  • A child who has had a bacterial infection such as strep throat or impetigo and has not completed 24 hours of antimicrobial therapy
  • A child who has unexplained lethargy
  • A child who has lice, ringworm, or scabies that is untreated and contagious to others
  • A child who has a temperature of 99-degrees Fahrenheit or higher
  • A child who has an undiagnosed rash or a rash attributable to a contagious illness or condition
  • A child who has significant respiratory distress (a bad cough)
  • A child who is not able to participate in LLP activities within reasonable comfort
  • A child who requires more care than the program team member can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children in care
  • A child who exhibits a profusely runny nose with either green or clear mucus (if your child's nose must be wiped more than three times, you will be contacted and asked to remove your child)
  • It may be necessary to provide a family physician's verification of wellness prior to a child being permitted into LLP

Late Pick Up Policy

A parent, or guardian, must call in advance and notify LLP staff that they will be late to pick up their child. LLP staff will ensure this message gets to their child for reassurance. If participants are picked up late from LLP, the following actions are taken, in order:

  • 1st offense - First Warning
  • 2nd offense - Final Warning
  • 3rd offense - Suspended for one week
  • 4th offense - Suspended for two weeks

Behavior and Discipline

The St. James as an organization stands with the no bullying campaigns of our times and actively functions to stand against violence, hitting, bullying, and all other issues that negatively impact our youth. It is our responsibility as representatives of LLP and The St. James to enforce the following policies:

  • All physical contact, even in jest, is prohibited and restricted in our facility
  • Immediate write-ups for instances that occur (No three-strike policy)
  • No toys, utensils, or implements may be used as weapons by the children during play time
    • This includes balls and other "soft" objects
  • A Behavior Report must be submitted, and parents MUST be contacted

Behavior Reports

Whenever a child engages in an inappropriate behavior, such as violence, confrontation, poor words, acting out, or disrupting the experience of others it is mandatory that a behavior report is completed and filed. These are used to document any behavior issues in the Child Center. Each parent (member) is required to sign and acknowledge the behavior report after it has been presented to them by staff of LLP. The Child Center Director is kept aware of each day's behavior reports.

Discipline Policy

Excluding violent behaviors, Laugh, Learn & Play utilizes a "three-strike" system for all children and behavior reports. It functions as follows:

  • Verbal warning from LLP staff to child who is misbehaving. An explanation and "teaching moment" as to why the behavior is not appropriate is useful to avoid future instances
  • A formal behavior report filed in the system, passed along to the Director, and acknowledged by the parent. It is important to explain the rules and needs of LLP to the parent/guardian.
  • A final strike may result in a suspension from LLP, or possibly dismissal, if the behavior is putting others at risk or disturbing operations.

Preventing Discipline

  1. Give the child a choice
  2. Create and maintain positive atmosphere
  3. Always protect the child's self-image
  4. Set limits that are consistent and understandable
  5. Let the child talk about his or her feelings and opinions
  6. Work together with the child's parent/guardian in the child's best interest

Methods of Discipline

The meaning of discipline is to set limits, guide behavior, and help children to learn appropriate behavior. It is important to never confuse discipline with punishment. There are four different types of discipline to consider:

  1. Distraction involves changing a child's focus from one activity that is unacceptable to another that is acceptable without confronting inappropriate behaviors
  2. Redirection involves anticipating problems and intervening before they occur
  3. Ignoring, ask yourself, "is this behavior I can live with"?
  4. Use time-outs infrequently but effectively by ensuring the child knows:
  5. Why they are in time-out
  6. Why they can't "have fun right now"
  7. That they will be in view of everyone in the room
  8. And that they must respect your requests

Ways that are not acceptable to address certain types of behavior:

  • Do not raise your voice or yell at the children - Communicate with the children on their level
  • Never verbally or physically abuse a child - Always encourage positive esteem
  • If it is necessary to touch or move a child, do so as gentle as possible